Science Journals
Science Magazines
- American Scientist - a magazine about science and technology which reviews work in fields ranging from molecular biology to engineering. In addition, there are book reviews and regular columns dealing with computing, engineering and public and professional issues.
- Chemistry and Industry Magazine - an international magazine that provides news and features on chemistry as well as the environment, biotechnology, chemical engineering, food, pharmaceuticals and other areas.
- Discover Magazine - very readable and current science articles from the online version of the magazine, links to top science sites and archives of previous editions.
- EurekAlert - this website offers free access to articles detailing the latest research findings in such fields as: science, medicine, technology and health.
- Global Change - an electronic magazine which seeks to familiarize the public with the issues associated with climate change and ozone depletion.
- Hazardous Materials Management Magazine - The Canadian publication dealing with the environment, hazardous waste, and pollution prevention and control.
- Health and Medical Informatics Digest - a monthly ezine which reviews the latest health and medical internet sites.
- HMS Beagle - online magazine about topics in biology and medicine.
- InQuiry Almanack - an online magazine published by the Franklin Institute. It contains interesting science articles, puzzles, links to top web sites and more. For extensive science fair and science project information, visit the InQuiry Almanack archives, January 1996.
- National Geographic - the online version of the popular magazine, plus World Magazine for kids.
- NaturalScience - a new online science magazine containing science related articles written for a nonspecialist audience.
- Nature - the international weekly journal of science; the world's most cited science journal, covering all fields of research.
- New Scientist - current articles about science and technology, with many pointers to other science sites.
- Nutrition Science News Magazine - features comprehensive articles related to nutrition and nutrition research, food supplements and health.
- Physics News Update - a digest of physics news items from physics journals, physics meetings, newspapers, magazines and other news sources; published approximately once a week by the American Institute of Physics.
- Robot Magazine - lots of information and links dealing with all aspects of robotics.
- Science Daily - a free online magazine that brings you news about the latest discoveries and research projects in everything from astrophysics to zoology.
- Science Magazine Online - the internet version of the weekly magazine of science and scientific research, published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Science News - very readable articles on a variety of contemporary science topics.
- Scientific American - experience the exciting world of science: online articles, recent developments in science, interviews, ask the experts, marketplace and more.
- The Scientist - a periodical dealing with topics in the life sciences.
- Sci Journal - an online publication in which students publish investigations or experiments they have done, so that other students can read about it.
- Science Magazine - a .eading journal of original scientific research, global news, and commentary . Also offers a special science careers section offering information about available jobs in the scientific community.
- SciTech Magazine - the Cornell University undergraduate magazine of science and technology, featuring new ideas, breakthroughs, controversies and people in the world of science and engineering.
- Skeptical Inquirer - published by the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal, the articles in the magazine tell what the scientific community knows about claims of the paranormal.
- Technology Review - articles dealing with the latest issues and discoveries in technology and its affect on our lives.
- The Why Files: Science Behind the News - a publication whose articles examine the science of everyday life events.
- Yes Magazine: Canada's Science Magazine for Kids - full of easy to read news and feature stories, science projects, explanations of how things work, and a chance to answer challenge questions called "Brain Bumpers".

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