- The Catalyst - a site developed to allow the high school chemistry teacher to access information related to chemistry and chemistry teaching; an amazingly detailed collection of resources.
- Chem 4 Kids - information about basic chemistry concepts for younger students and others.
- ChemDex - a super list of thousands of categorized links dealing with all aspects of chemistry, maintained by Mark Winter.
- ChemEd - links to chemistry education resources.
- ChemFinder WebServer - a chemical database that lets you search for information and links about chemicals by using the chemical name, molecular formula, mass or CAS Number.
- Chemical of the Week - the weekly fact sheet distributed by Prof. Shakhashiri to increase students' knowledge about chemicals, their properties, uses, cost and production.
- Chemistry Coach - provides links and resources useful to high school chemistry students.
- Chemistry Homework Problems - problem sets are available on many common chemistry topics. These problems were developed for chemistry and environmental science courses at Widener University.
- Chemistry Teaching Resources on the Internet - one of the most comprehensive lists of chemistry teaching resources available on the internet, maintained by Knut Irgum.
- Chemistry Topics: Yahoo - a list of the chemistry links available through Yahoo.
- Chem Team - an excellent high school chemistry tutorial covering theory, solved sample problems, and extra questions for practice.
- CHEMystery - a virtual chemistry textbook, designed for high school students ... a great resource!
- The Information Retrieval in Chemistry WWW Server - this site provides a compendium of resources in chemistry and many related fields of science and technology.
- Interactive Tutorials in Chemistry - a very detailed and extensive bank of questions and resources covering many chemistry areas.
- IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) - the organization which fosterrs worldwide communication in the chemical sciences, and recognized as the world authority on such topics as: chemical nomenclature, terminology, standard measurement methods and atomic weights.
- Lab Technique Sheets - downloadable technique sheets which describe how to properly and safely perform many laboratory operations and use common laboratory apparatus.
- Links for Chemists - thousands of sites of interest to chemists, courtesy of the University of Liverpool Dept. of Chemistry.
- Mathematics and Molecules - information about the field of molecular modeling.
- MIT Open Courseware: Chemistry - free online college level chemistry courses.
- Molecule of the Month - each month a new molecule is added to the list of molecules; follow the links to view and find out information about the molecule.
- Ralph Logan's Home Page - chemistry resources, notes, frequently asked questions and more.
- Steve Marsden's Chemistry Home Page - lecture notes, periodic tables, chemistry labs and WWW links - it's all here!
- Tom's Chem Quiz Page - attempt to answer the current chemistry quiz or check out the questions and answers to previous quizzes.
- Wikipedia: Chemistry - article about chemistry at the online collaborative encyclopedia.
- WWW Virtual Library: Chemistry - links to academic, non-profit and commercial organizations; also links to other libraries and chemical resources.
Periodic Tables
- Chemical Elements.com - an online, interactive periodic table of the elements, by Yinon Bentor.
- Chemicool Periodic Table - a color coded periodic table allows you to find out detailed information about the element of your choice.
- Periodic Table from MIT - choose which property you wish to be displayed in the periodic table; observe trends in periodic properties by color-coding in the table, and by observing the graph obtained by plotting that property vs atomic number.
- Periodic Table of the Elements at Los Alamos National Laboratory - click on an element in the colour coded table to receive a page of data: history, sources, properties, uses, compounds, etc..
- Periodic Tables - a listing of 30+ periodic tables available on the Internet.
- Periodic Tables - the extensive ChemDex list of periodic table sites.
- Periodic Tables - a list of periodic tables from the Kiwi Web.
- Ultimate Periodic Table Site - with links to many periodic tables and periodic table related topics, this must be the most comprehensive periodic table site on the Internet.
- Web-Elements - the Periodic Table online by Mark Winter, University of Sheffield.
- WWWolfe Periodic Tables on the WWW - an anotated listing of periodic table sites.
- Yahoo Periodic Table Links - the Yahoo page of Periodic Table links.
Chemical Safety
- Chemical Reference Links by Chemical Name - click on a chemical and you are linked to sites which give safety and other infornation about the chemical.
- MSDS Search - an easy to use MSDS index which contains a large MSDS database.
- MSDS Collection - the Vermont SIRI MSDS collection and links to other internet MSDS and hazardous chemical archives.
- MSDS Sheets - all about MSDS Sheets plus a comprehensive listing of internet sources and resources for MSDS, brought to you by the folks in the Chemistry Department at the University of Kentucky.
- Safety Graphics - lots of safety clipart, covering a wide variety of situations.
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