- Battlefield Middle School's Science Fair Page - suggestions for science fair project topics, and links to science fair sites.
- It's Science Fair Time - this site provides detailed instructions and resources designed to assist the teacher in developing an 8 week science fair game plan.
- Mr. MacSween's Science Fair Page - information on these areas: choosing a topic, designing an experiment, planning your project, the report and the presentation.
- National Student Research Center - much information about all aspects of student research projects and science fair projects. Be sure to check out the Electronic Library and the E-Journal of Student Research.
- Painless Science Fair Projects - suggestions and information on how to develop a science fair project idea.
- Planning a Good Science Fair Project - tips on making a timetable, using the scientific method, writing about your project and presenting your project.
- Practical Hints for Science Fair Projects - some short pointers on the main aspects of preparing a project.
- The Science Club: Kids' Science Projects - information on suggested science projects and links to other science project sites.
- Science Fair Idea Exchange - an extensive archive of ideas for science fair projects, plus links to other science fair sites.
- Science Fair Information from the Mad Scientist Library - links to sites giving project ideas and sites providing help with setting up and organizing a science fair project.
- Science Fair Internet Resources - extensive links to resources in all science areas, plus resources dealing directly with science fair projects.
- Science Fair Project Resource Guide - this site, part of the Internet Public Library, gives information on: how to do a science fair project, sample projects, project ideas, science magazines and science resources.
- Science Fair Projects: A Resource for Students and Teachers - links to resources which give either general information about science fair projects, or specific project ideas.
- Science Fairs Home Page - check out the many science project ideas at the primary, elementary, intermediate and senior level.
- Science Project Help Sites - links to sites which offer general help in planning a project, or specific suggestions for project titles.
- So You're Going to Have a Science Fair - complete information on organizing science fair projects and a science fair.
- Steps to Prepare a Science Fair Project - a nicely written set of steps to guide students through the science fair project process.

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