Math Resources.


... from the Science Page

  • A+ Math - offers java based games in addition, subtraction, division and multlipication.
  • Ask Dr. Math - offers free frequently asked math questions and answers, math formulas, and sells math books.
  • Calculators - provides a scientific calculator and a variety of math and health calculation tools.
  • Circles - Math2 offers equasions and definitions for terms related to a circle.
  • Geometry Junkyard - link list of a wide variety of Geometry resources.
  • Introduction to Algebra - free content article with example problems explaining how algebra works.
  • Learn to be a Human Calculator - free resources offering tips and advice on how to become a math whiz.
  • Math Baseball - fun game used to help teach students addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.
  • Math Calculators - various math related calculators from
  • MathDork - offers free and for sale animated Algebra lessons.
  • Math Games - a wide array of free online math games.
  • Math Glossary - definitions of math terms organized alphabetically for each grade.
  • MathWay - online math problem solver for basic math, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, statistics and finite math.
  • Newton's Method - perl based script offering online answers to algebra problems.
  • Nuts about Geometry - free Geometry glossary and activities
  • ScienceU Geometry - interactive activities and information about Geometry.
  • The Complete History of Calculators for Kids - guide explaining the history of calculation along with showing people how we use math and specialized calculators in everyday life.
  • Wolfram Mathematica - the world's definitive system for modern technical computing

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