Ellis College Online BS Degrees

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Affordable Online Math / Physics Degrees

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The BS - Interdisciplinary Studies – Math/Physics is meant to be a flexible degree for those pursuing a career in a number of scientifically related fields. This degree provides the student with an understanding of many of the basic laws that govern modern technology. The entire course is available online with no classroom time.

Ideal Degree Candidates:

This degree is an excellent choice for those that have been working in a related field for several years, such as:

  • Biochemistry
  • Botany
  • Oncology
  • Drug Development
  • Food Science
  • Genetics
  • Nanotechnology
  • Molecular Biology

NYIT Ellis College Degree Requirements:

There are several requirements that must be met by the student prior to enrollment.
These include:

  • a high school diploma or GED,
  • TOEFL required for international applicants whose primary language of instruction was not English,
  • 3+ years full-time professional work experience, and
  • 30 transferable college credits from a regionally accredited institution.

Math/Physics Online Degree Program Description:

Ellis College is an academic division of New York Institute of Technology, which is accredited by Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.

  • A rolling admissions policy has classes starting every three weeks so you don't have to wait an entire semester to get started.
  • Every student is assigned a dedicated advisor to help you plan your class schedule and meet your needs to coincide with an already busy schedule.
  • All courses are on a six week schedule allowing you to concentrate on one at a time, while still acquiring the same number of credits per year as you would in a traditional academic environment.
  • Transfer credits are accepted from all accredited institutions including those gained through military training.


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