Online Physics Degrees and Courses

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Affordable Online Physics Courses

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Having trouble finding an online college that offers a degree in Physics? Although the availability of honest online baccalaureate physics degrees may be a bit scarce, there are plenty of colleges offering specific courses tailored toward the professional. These courses may help you to complete your undergraduate, or even count towards gaining your masters.

Ideal Physics Degree Candidates:

These courses are an excellent choice for those that have been working in a physics related field for several years, allowing you to have the flexibility to further your education while maintaining your professional career. Some occupations that may benefit from online physics courses are:

  • Research Associates
  • Scientists
  • Technical Consultants
  • Design Engineers
  • System Engineers
  • Physics Teachers
  • Operations Managers
  • Graduate Students

Typical Physics Course Requirements:

Often there are requirements that must be met by the student prior to enrollment.
These include:

  • a high school diploma or GED,
  • TOEFL required for international applicants whose primary language of instruction was not English
  • related professional work experience
  • a baccalaureate degree or some prior college experience

Colleges Offering Online Physics Courses:

There are a number of accredited universities offering online physics courses. Many colleges offer online content only during certain semesters, and require enrollment at the university. If you're unsure whether or not a college in your area offers online courses you should check with the college registrar to get a list of available online courses.

  • Indiana University - Offers several online introductory physics courses geared toward students who have not yet obtained a baccalaureate.
  • University of Kentucky - Offers four online programs for high school and middle school physics teachers who want to learn more about the physical sciences; either for professional development or course credit.


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